New Life Bilingual School
A bilingual Christian school situated in the mountains of Sabanagrande in central Honduras, dedicated to forming todays children in order to shape tomorrow’s future.

About Us
New Life Bilingual School was founded in 2006 under the direction of New Life Baptist Church and Missionary Pastor Sam Hodges and his wife Julie. New Life is an open enrollment school that uses A Beka Curriculum in all English speaking classes. We use traditional classrooms, creating the proper atmosphere for learning and for high academic standards. Director supported discipline allows each teacher to maintain control of his or her classroom while still having the support of the administration when necessary. By trying to keep classroom sizes small we are able to provide more personal instruction to our students and thereby give them the advantage they need. Students are also provided plenty of opportunities to enjoy themselves and just have fun through school field trips and special theme days at school.

What we offer:
Paid position with many additional benefits
Our teachers receive a monthly salary, on campus housing, daily school lunches, one round trip plane ticket per year and much more.
Opportunity to learn a second language
You will have the chance to learn Spanish by immersion, working alongside our Honduran staff and fellowshipping with church members. We also offer a separate Spanish Institute for those interested.
Opportunity to serve in the local church
Our teachers serve in New Life Baptist church as Sunday school teachers/assistants, nursery workers, bus workers, choir members, helping with special music, participating in weekly evangelism and much more.
We take care of your residency
You won’t have to worry about doing any paperwork or worrying about leaving the country every 90 days. New Life Bilingual School will take care of your residency process and fees for the first five years you teach with us.
What Our Teachers are Saying
What we are looking for:
We are looking for Christian men and women who desire to serve God with their lives. We require at least a high school diploma, a willing heart and a teachable spirit. We will help train you for success as a teacher on the foreign field.

Come Visit Us
If you are interested in our ministry we would love to have you come visit and see firsthand what God is doing here in Sabanagrande. Feel free to contact us to set up your personal or group visit.