In the previous post, we mentioned that a house is being built for a man who is in our church. Here’s a bit more to the story behind that building project.
Marcos got saved and was baptized a couple of months ago. He has lived close to his relatives who drink and curse. Marcos felt the urgency to move away from that because, now that he is saved, those worldly habits bother him.
Acting on Marcos’ desire to move out of there, Bro. Sam took our Seminary boys and they went and helped construct a “house” for the Tonios. Marcos and his family plan to to move into the new place in two days. His wife is unsaved, and we ask that you pray for Arali’s salvation.
What a testimony of one man’s desire to move away from the influence of sin that could drag him down and back into that lifestyle. What a picture of Christ’s love that these men reached out to build him a place to live. Please pray that Marcos’ changed life will be a visible testimony of the power of the Gospel of Christ and that he will have opportunities to verbally share Christ with his relatives as well.

The construction of a home for a new Christian

Bro. Sam and the crew are blessed to do this work for their brother in Christ.