FIRST, THE PRAISE!!! God must have had this day planned! Norman, the owner of the bus that we are planning to buy, came to know the Lord as his Savior! What a double blessing for us all: Norman sold his bus and got saved! We bought a bus and led a dear soul into His kingdom! Thank you for your prayers for our ministry here in Honduras!!

Pastor Sam with the new bus AND a new believer just born again!
AND NOW, THE PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Dagoberto. He is a town drunk and is 55 years old. About a week ago, he almost died. He had convulsions, and they took him to the hospital . He is home now but needs to get saved! Jose, our bus driver, is his older brother. God changed Jose’s life through salvation, and we know He can do the same for Dagoberto if he will come to a saving faith in Christ. When we left Dagoberto, he had tears flowing down his eyes. That’s a good sign that the Lord is working on Him. Please pray with us that Dagoberto will come to the know the Lord as his Savior.

Pastor Sam sharing Christ with Dagoberto.
We covet and thank you for your continued prayers for our ministry here!