We have been busy in ministry this month!   In mid-September, we loaded up a team and went to Campanento for a missions trip. We took  23 people with us and conducted a Bible Club and youth services there.   Below you will see a couple of pictures of our team in front of our bus, our team singing, and a great picture of Joseph taking part in the “Bean Eating Contest.”  Let’s just say he did not maintain his beans!  


The birthday celebration was for Jose’s wife.  This family has been with us for 13 years.  It is a joy to have them as part of our family.


The baptism photo is of 14-year-old Carlos following the Lord in this ordinance. 


The two men with Bro. Samuel at church are Dagoberto and Jorge who recently attended our Sunday service.  What a joy!!  Thank you for your prayers for our alcoholic friends. They desperately need your continued prayers. 


Joyfully Serving Christ in Honduras,

Bro. Sam, Miss Julie, and Family


Note:  Click-a-Pic for a better view!