Note from the Editor of Bro. Sam’s and Miss Julie’s “UPDATE” page on their website…
It was a blessing to hear a few months ago that a group of Christian men would be making a trip to Sabanagrande, Honduras to do some work (physical and spiritual) at the the New Life Baptist Church and School where Bro. Sam Hodges is Pastor. Having been in Honduras with a team from our church in June, I knew a bit of the blessings (and work challenges) they might face.
During this recent trip, I watched the web for updates. Knowing how difficult it was for us to be online while there, I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t see much news posted during their week. It was a joy to see a post when they were flying out and that they had posted some pictures. I asked if I could share their posts as well as their pictures and were given permission to do so. I was granted permission to share their posts and pictures.
NOTE: Please click on any photo for enlargement and a better view!
Men’s Mission Trip to Honduras Posts:
October 12 at 8:41 a.m. Our Honduras group is in Atlanta and everyone is in good spirits. Our flight leaves for Honduras @ 10:30 a.m. We hope to make posts as frequent as we can when we get there as the availability of the internet allows. Please pray for us!
October 14 at 10:22 a.m. Finally able to get onto the internet! Can’t post any pictures yet (sorry). We have had various obstacles to overcome on this trip, frequent power outages, heavy rains, but God has allowed us to complete some big projects for the Hodges. You would be very proud of how hard our men have worked. Everyone is doing great! Please pray that the rains would hold off and the power will stay on so we can complete the projects. This weekend we will be ministering to neighboring communities with Bible clubs. We will try to post when we can.