It was a huge blessing when our two teenage kids were able to make a last-minute registration to attend TEEN EXTREME at Pensacola Christian College the week of June 18. Joseph and Celina were able to help pay their way as they have saved their money from birthdays and small jobs etc. They were so excited to get to join in with the teens from our sending church, Rickman Baptist in West Padukah, KY. Joseph and Celina rode down to Pensacola with the youth group and spent the week with them at Teen Extreme. Please click on each pic to enlarge it to a better viewing size.
We arrived in Pensacola on Tuesday evening and stayed in the home of a couple who came with a construction team to Sabanagrande in May 2011 to work on the building of the new church. It was a wonderful time of catching up, good rest, a big shrimp dinner, and down time for us. Our youngest daughter, Brooklyn, was with us. She had fun playing with the Dean’s grandson Jaden. He kept her busy for a few hours on both Wednesday and Thursday.
We enjoyed the church service on Wednesday night and hearing Kenny Baldwin preach since he was the guest speaker for the Teen Extreme week. Hundreds of teens from all over the country were there, and it was a blessing to see all of that energy and excitement in one place. We pray that many lives were changed and young people surrendered to God’s will for their lives. We saw Joseph and Celina briefly after church that night. As well, there was a time of fellowship in the Palms Grill on campus for the purpose of inviting in “Construction Team #2 2011” and some other special friends for a time of fellowship. We enjoyed seeing those who were able to drop by. It was a such a busy time of talking and catching up that no one made any pictures! !
Another special event for us was being invited to the home of Jack and Margie Gellos for dinner. These fine folks were Julie’s “campus parents” during her four years of college. It was a wonderful evening with them. Their son Mike was there with two of his sons, Jared and Tyler. Mike has made several “construction” mission trips to Honduras to work with us on projects as has his son Tyler. It was a nice time of food, fun, and fellowship with the Gellos family.

This is Mr. Mike Gellos, son of Julie’s campus parents. He has come down to work with us on several occasions.
On Friday at noon, Teen Extreme concluded and we met back up with Joseph and Celina at the college. We had lunch at the Palms Grill before we left Pensacola headed out on our long drive to New Berlinville, PA. We made it nearly to Charlotte on Friday night with some 8-9hours of travel left for today. We were blessed that, as we headed north, we sometimes saw cheaper gas prices. The Lord has been faithful and we thank Him for the safety of travels, good health, sweet fellowship and great meetings we have been in along the way of this deputation and for our days spent in Florida this week.