Sunday, November 11, was an exciting day for our church with 222 people in attendance and 2 baptized. The two candidates for baptism are students in our bilingual school. It is exciting to see the products of our school ministry. We probably could have never been able to reach these young people for Christ if it wasn’t for the school. We are in our 7th year of school ministry and are beginning to see the fruits. This year, the government has granted us permission to have classes through the 9th grade. This is a big praise!! God wanted us to have this school. Over and over again, He has confirmed that with us.  (Please remember to click on each pic to enlarge it for a better view!)

Daniela, a 6th grader, and our Brooklyn’s classmate, was saved through our school ministry and was one of those baptized on Sunday.

Daniela following the Lord in Baptism

Flavio, our third grader, was saved in our children’s ministry two years ago and baptized on Sunday . The following day in school, he came to Miss Julie’s office and asked “What time is our evangelization?’ He was ready to go out with us to spread the Good News!!!

Flavio: saved, baptized, and eager to share his faith in Jesus Christ with others!


We also celebrated Grandparents day with about 25 grandparents in attendance. We gave them a small gift and they enjoyed a spaghetti meal.

Grandparents in attendance were recognized, received a small gift, and enjoyed a spaghetti dinner!

At the same time, we had a meal and gave a challenge to our young boys’ class ranging in age from 10-11. We rewarded their faithfulness with a meal and presented each of them with a shirt and tie. The boys were proud to have their new outfits. Most of them can’t afford church clothes. Our church likes to honor the faithful ones. Out of the 13 boys, nine of them have been saved and baptized!! Their teacher is Henry, the seminary boy who just got married to one of our teachers.

The class teacher Henry and his boys listening to Pastor Hodges as he talks to them


The boys were excited to receive new shirts and ties!


We thank God for His  blessings as we labor here in Sabanagrande, Honduras. Please keep praying for our family, our church, our school, and for God’s continued blessings on this ministry.


For the cause,
Sam, Julie, Joseph, Celina, and Brooklyn Hodges