Bro. Samuel’s mother fell and broke her hip in September.  As a result, she is not to be on her feet for 10-12 months.  We made a trip to be with them for Christmas which we all enjoyed so much.  Please pray with us that Mom’s hip will heal quicker than anticipated and that she will make a full recovery.  Here are some pics made during our trip.   (Please click on each one for a better view.)   Happy New Year, Everyone!!!


The GRANDparents with their GRANDchildren

The GRANDparents with their GRANDchildren


Our family enjoying being “home” for Christmas

We were blessed that all of us were able to attend the Christmas Banquet at the New Testament Baptist Church.

We were blessed that all of us were able to attend the Christmas Banquet at the New Testament Baptist Church.

The Hodges Cousins enjoyed Christmas together

The Hodges Cousins enjoyed Christmas together