We enjoyed the trip to Costa Rica for the GPA Central American Missionaries Conference. There were some eight missionary families there. Some of them were Americans and some were Nationals. The fellowship was sweet with all. Definitely, the Lord protected us as our journey was long and quite dangerous. Here are some photos of our time spent there. As always, please click on each one for a better view.

We enjoyed these dear missionaries.
The couple standing beside us are missionaries to Venezuela and have been in the ministry for 39 yrs. The other couple serves as missionaries in Costa Rica and have been serving for 23 yrs. They just lost a son when he died in a car accident. They are still grieving. Please pray for them.

Talking to another dear missionary lady serving in Costa Rica and Panama. They have a strong work in San Jose. It was a refreshing time for us to be with them.
For the Cause,
Sam & Julie Hodges