GRADUATIONS IN MAY!! We have nine K5 students and 10 sixth graders graduating in May. Due to government regulations, we must extend our school year to go through June 10 for our school. We purposely start our school year early so that we can close out early, but now the “powers that be” insist we go through June 10 this year. Also, the Honduran government does not “recognize” our junior-high school to be an “approved” school. We pray that stance will be reversed so that our teenagers will be more likely to stay in our school for their continuing education. This year, we are finishing with 99 students and thank the Lord that we have been able to minister to their academic and spiritual needs this school year.

LADIES MINISTRY VISION!! I have been teaching a ladies (single moms) class this year. In addition to the Biblical instruction they are receiving, I would like to teach them some skills and give them a way to earn some money. I have acquired a sewing machine. I would LOVE for some your ladies to come down and teach our ladies some sewing projects, jewelry making, craft making, etc. Please pray about this need and get in touch with me for more specifics!

LADIES CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN OCTOBER!! Missionary Margaret Stringer, a long-time missionary in Papua New Guinea, is coming October 14-21 to speak in a Ladies Conference at our church. Please be praying that our ladies will be making plans to attend AND that they will bring family and friends (ladies!) with them.

RIGHT NOW!! We have so many projects and needs and could use the helping hand of laborers. Please pray about sending a group from your church.

FUTURE NEEDS: At some point, we will have need of a second well on our property. We would be blessed if some churches could start praying about sending a group of men to help us with this. Please contact Bro. Sam for more information.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: As always, we covet your prayers for our family and for this ministry~~ both entrusted to us by God.