We spent this past week back in Cofradia. About 3 weeks ago, Samuel was invited to speak at Maranatha Mission Baptist Church’s 5th anniversary. God led Samuel’s heart to help them with their building project and to help with the foundation. From our church, we brought with us eleven men, three ladies and three young girls to help. Everyone didtheir part to make the trip a wonderful success. We had great meals such as Baleadas, pork chops, chop suey, chicken & rice, spaghetti, and lots of fresh fruits.
We conducted Bible Clubs at different times during the building process. Yesterday, some little ones came forth to make profession of faith. They were very attentive listeners. As shown in the last photo below, Mrs. Julie also had an opportunity to teach the young ladies of the church.
The spirit of the mission team was sweet and encouraging. The men got up at 6:30 each morning to start their work day and worked until 7:00 p.m. They wanted to accomplish their goals!
We praise the Lord for the small part our New Life Baptist Church can have in the Confradia ministry. Our church, our school, and an individual were able to contribute $3,400 towards the project.
We praise the Lord for the opportunity to help a fellow brother reach souls for Christ, Missionary2Missionary!
Thank you for your continued prayerful supportt,
Joseph S. Hodges (1 Samuel 12:24)
Photos Below! (As always, please click on each pic for a larger view.)