This past Saturday evening, we took 52 young people to the youth service in Tegucigalpa.  Bro Evan Williams hosted the event, and he preached a very powerful message on John 3:16.  There were a lot of young teens we had about 8-12 unsaved teens that we know of. Please pray that they will keep coming to church to learn of God’s love and His wonderful gift of salvation.

Leaving Tegucigalpa to drive back back to Sabanagrande that night, we had bus trouble and didn’t get home until almost 11:00 pm. A just under 2-hour trip turned into just over 4 hours. We need to have mechanical work done on both our school bus and our medium bus as both are having some major problems. The devil hates our bus ministry,
but the Lord loves it!

Thanks for your prayers!

Joseph S. Hodges    (1 Samuel 12:24)

JUST A COUPLE OF PHOTOS MADE THAT EVENING….  Click to enlarge for a better view!

