We will be celebrate 20 yrs of marriage on July 17. God has been good to us! Thank you so much for your past, present and continued prayers as we labor together as one in Christ Jesus. NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH will celebrate her 15th anniversary is on...
Joseph had been helping at the church construction site for the past week. On Friday, July 12, he decided to work on our roads and was working with some other boys picking rocks with a pick when suddenly a rock about the size of a marble flew up and hit his left eye....
We have recently received a special gift of new life from the Lord!! Henrry and Kendra (Clevenger) Silva were blessed with the birth of their baby boy on June 19 at 6:24 p.m. Abner David Silva is a handsome baby boy!! Our love, prayers, and congratulations as...
We have a large bus ministry, and our workers are faithful, dedicated, and caring as they visit out in the community on Saturdays to invite folks to church and then ride the buses to bring them in Sunday mornings. Recently, we treated our bus workers to lunch as a...
This past Saturday evening, we took 52 young people to the youth service in Tegucigalpa. Bro Evan Williams hosted the event, and he preached a very powerful message on John 3:16. There were a lot of young teens we had about 8-12 unsaved teens that we know of....