Joseph returned to the eye doctor on Monday, August 5.  It wasn’t a good day. The doctor said the tear behind his retina is in a delicate place. No surgery or laser can fix his distortion.  Also there is still liquid and blood in his retina. There will be permanent blind loss.


The  doctor will be doing a conference call with some of his specialists friends this week.  As for right now, we have to wait. He did advice us to think about going back to the States for further consultations. Please continue to pray for Joseph. It’s been rough on the family.

If anybody knows of a good eye specialist that we can contact in Florida, please let us know.

……for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.

We appreciate your continued prayers.

For the Cause,
The Hodges

Joseph's bright smile in the  midst of this trial is his testimony of faith in Jesus Christ!

Joseph’s bright smile in the midst of this trial is his testimony of faith in Jesus Christ!