GREETINGS!!  It has been a busy but rewarding summer.  We would like to share some of the highlights with you as we thank you for your continued prayers!


We have seen a couple of young boys come to know the Lord. A couple of weeks ago, one of them followed the Lord in baptism. More recently, two other new believers came to be baptized.  Three were baptized this past Sunday!  As well, 29-year-old Amado came to know the Lord as his Savior in that service.


Sunday, September 29, was a big day as our church celebrated Bible Day. Many other churches usually do a parade in the local town. Our Children’s Church did a Bible competition that included sword drills, memorized Bible verses, and doctrinal drills. It was fun and everybody enjoyed our Bible Day.


On Sunday, October 6, we will celebrate  Grandparents’ Day.

On Sunday, October 13, we will have our annual Friend Day.

Many of our church folks have been busy working and inviting family and new friends to these special events.



At the last doctor appointment, Joseph’s eye pressure was up to 24 but needs to stay around 16-19. If it keeps going up, the pressure will ruin his eye. It will be like glaucoma. Please pray that the pressure will come down and stay down. He is healing slowly. His spirit is good. We continue to covet your prayers.



“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!”  Our sincere thanks is extended to all who have prayed, given, and contacted us.  Every act of kindness has been used by God to encourage us.  We will close by sharing some recent photos.  Please be sure to click on each one for an enlarged view.



For the Cause,


Sam and Julie Hodges






Celebrating Bible Day with the children in church

Celebrating Bible Day with the children in church


Pastor Hodges baptizing a new believer

Pastor Hodges baptizing a new believer


Omar, Reinery, and Katherine after their baptisms

Omar, Reinery, and Katherine after their baptisms


We thank God for our bus ministry!

We thank God for our bus ministry!


A packed church on Children's Day!

A packed church on Bible Day!


Our daughter Brooklyn helping to serve during our special day

Our daughter Brooklyn helping to serve during our special Bible Day


Pastor Hodges preaching to the children on Children's Sunday.  Can you find him?

Pastor Hodges preaching to the children on Bible Day Sunday. Can you find him?