The Hodges family was blessed to travel from Sabanagrande, Honduras to Pensacola, Florida to attend Joseph’s graduation from high school.
The commencement service, which was held on Saturday, May 14, at the Crowne Centre on the campus of Pensacola Christian College was amazing. There were 466 graduates from around the world who marched and received their diplomas. A total of 1,810 graduates from around the world will receive their accredited high school diplomas from A Beka Academy. We were so blessed that Joseph’s “Hodges” grandparents, “Papaw” Sonny and “Mamaw” Carolyn, were able to be with us for graduation as well as some cousins.
In a note to a friend, Joseph’s mom, Julie, said: “I was very overwhelmed with joy and tears as I watched my son walk across the stage. He had his parents and both sisters there, his grandparents, 2 cousins, 3 friends from college, and friends from Campus Church. The graduation message given by Mr. Mike Smith was very uplifting to all of us. I left very encouraged knowing my son is heading in the right direction.”
In addition to completing his senior year of high school, Joseph participated in the dual enrollment program which means he lived in a college dorm and took freshman classes as well. This summer Joseph is going to be working with a ministry in Las Vegas before he returns to PCC in the fall to continue his college education.
Congratulations to Joseph!!!

A Beka Academy Commencement was held in the Crowne Centre on the campus of Pensacola Christian College on Saturday, May 14!

It was much pomp and circumstance for this big day in the lives of the high school students who were graduating!

Joseph was in the “dual enrollment” program which means he lived on the campus of Pensacola Christian College for this senior year of high school and also took freshman college courses!

What a blessing that Sonny and Carolyn Hodges were able to come from Central Florida and be there for their grandson’s graduation!