BY JOSEPH HODGES, son of Pastor Sam and Mrs. Julie Hodges…
Our church’s 20th anniversary celebration was held on Sunday, May 27, 2018, in Sabanagrande, Honduras. It was a time of both celebration of the past and of anticipation of the future. Pastor Stan Durrett of Rickman Road Baptist Church (our home church) challenged us to be faithful in spreading the greatest message. Pastor Ledford Hodges of New Testament Baptist Church challenged us to be faithful in our personal walk with God and in unity as witnesses. Pastor Gary Moore of Nottingham Baptist Church challenged us with the importance of seeking Christ’s fame, not our own. As over 500 gathered on that rainy Sunday, sunshine nevertheless was evident in the hearts of many there. As I (Joseph) looked out over the crowd, one major thought pressed on my mind. Before me sat literally dozens of people who all had one common denominator- The Lord Jesus Christ. My heart leaped as I saw these dozens of people who had come to know the light of the gospel. They had been changed by that light. It was evident on their faces. They were people who would normally have lived their entire lives in hopelessness and darkness, so close to the truth, yet so far away, being blinded by the lies of Catholicism. But thanks be to God as it was He who made sure these dear people were presented with the light of the gospel! Our anniversary was about more than just buildings and buses, it was a celebration of changed lives. People chained by alcohol, drugs, immorality, and false religion all sat together celebrating as the redeemed people of The Lord. They also celebrated Christian maturity and growth within the church body. Indeed, our celebration was amazing. Our church is truly thankful for the blessings of God down through the years. As we look to the future, we are also reminded to be warned of pride. Success so often drives the focus to selfish motives, but our church men prayed the following Tuesday service that God would make us humble as we continue to receive His blessing. To God be the glory!
Note: Joseph is a senior at Pensacola Christian College in Florida where he is studying Pastoral Ministries/Business Management. After he graduates, he would like to return to Honduras and labor with his dad in the ministry there.
The following various photos were made during our weekend of celebration. What a joy to commemorate the day with our church family and with family and friends who came as our guests. We thank you for your prayers for the ministry here. Most of all, we give God the Glory for all He has done. ~Sam, Julie, and family

Special guests in for the weekend celebration included 16 people from New Testament Baptist Church in Inverness. Florida with their Pastor Ledford Hodges, brother of Sam Hodges.

Shown with Pastor Sam Hodges are Bob Taylor, Pastor Stan Durrett, Pastor-Missionary LeRoy Rolston, Joseph Hodges (Sam’s and Julie’s son), Pastor Gary Moore, and Pastor Ledford Hodges (Sam’s brother.)

Pastor Stan Durrett, from our sending church, his daughter Emily and her husband, Alex Lopez and their son came to celebrate our anniversary with us,

Bro. and Mrs. Bob Taylor, their daughter, Renee Bryant, and her daughters Kaylie and Chloe Bryant came from Pensacola, FL for the celebration. Bob, Vicki, and Renee are shown fellowshipping with other guests.

We were so blessed that Bro. Henrry Silva, his wife Kendra, and their precious children were able to be with us from their church in Honduras where he is the pastor.

Our son Joseph preached in our Tuesday night service. It was a joy to have him home from Pensacola, FL where he attends college and is serving as a church intern this summer.