The Lord blessed in our recent Ladies Conference.  This year’s theme was Persistent in Marriage, Ministry, Holiness, & Trials. We had 94 ladies from other churches attend with a total of 134 at the conference.  There were more than 30 new ladies this year.  Many shared with Julie how God’s Word spoke to them and many left the conference encouraged.

The theme verse for the conference was 2 Timothy 3:14:  “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”


These ladies were so much help!

These ladies were so much help!

The ladies who attended!

The ladies who attended!

The Skit!!!

The Skit!!!

Julie recognizing and thanking the special speakers!

Julie recognizing and thanking the special speakers!

Julie recognizing the pastors' wives who were there!

Julie recognizing the pastors’ wives who were there!

Sweet fellowship among the ladies!

Sweet fellowship among the ladies!