Our Bible Conference was packed. We averaged about 280 for the three nights. On the second night, we lost power and had to have our service in the dark. After about an hour, the lights came on. We also had a food sale. All of our offerings from the food sale went to help our conference speaker. The total received was above the cost of his plane ticket, and we were so encouraged! This was our first conference that our church people brought food and ingredients for the sake. All of our profit went to aid his trip! Thank you so much for your prayers! About 5 adults made a profession of faith during the 3 nights, and more than 200 made commitments to the Lord. It was a Family Conference.
Following the Bible Conference, we had a wonderful Sunday service! Two folks got saved and three were baptized! Five prayed to receive Christ the day before on our Saturday visitation. We thank you so much for your prayers for NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH and hope you will continue to remember us.
- Miguel Angel got saved at our conference last weekend and wanted to make a public profession of faith by getting baptized! Praise the Lord for his testimony. He was previously highly involved in witch craft. Our people have seen him put a live snake into his mouth. Pray that he will grow spiritually!
Never forget that you have a part in all of these salvations as you pray for us and support us in God’s Work.
For the Cause,
Bro. Sam
Miss Julie